Schedule of Fees & Charges

HPA Training is a Registered Training Organisation and operates in accordance with applicable legislation and the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. HPA Training is entitled to charge fees for services provided to students undertaking a course of study. These fees are for items such as course materials, administrative support, student services and training and assessment services. We review our fees schedule regularly and endeavour to keep the cost of training down.


When and how do I pay?

HPA Training now has an online Booking and Payment Form which allows candidates and companies to book and pay online.

VOC’s – All bookings are to be made online using our Booking Payment Form. Payment should also be completed at time of booking. For existing clients only, we can produce an invoice for you BUT you must give us at least 24hrs notice and a bank remittance must be sent to with proof that payment has been made in full before your booking can be confirmed.

Once your booking has been confirmed and paid in full either through our invoice or if paying online through our Booking Payment form or by phone using credit/debit card HPA Training will issue a Temporary Validation (30 days) (after assessments are completed).

Once head office has received completed paperwork and photos a VOC letter and photo ID Card will be sent out to the Company that has paid the account.

Statement of Attainment SOAs (Licences) – In line with HPA’s Fee Protection Policy the RTO will not collect more than $1500.00 prior to course commencement for individuals only – this does not however apply to Companies. If a course total is over $1500.00 a deposit ($500.00) must be paid to secure your enrolment and the balance must be paid in full within 5 days of commencement of course or before the course is completed if more payments are required.  If the cost of the course is less than $1500.00 the full amount must be paid before the course commences. You can book and pay either the full amount or deposit online using our Booking Payment Form (via the Bookings tab on our website) Please see HPA Schedule of fees and charges on our website regarding invoices with a total over $1,500 for individual students.

Once a deposit has been received and enrolment confirmed an invoice will be sent with a payment plan.

Certificates and Statements of Attainment are issued to students who are assessed as competent in the unit/s successfully completed.  The cost of the certificates is included in the course fees. 

Once the course is complete (paid in full) the Statement of Attainment and card must be sent to the candidate (learner) directly within 30 days.

RTO Standards 2015 – Clause 3.1-3.3

  • Issue AQF certification/Statement of Attainment documentation directly to the student, not to another party, such as an employer
  • You may issue a copy of a learner’s qualification or statement of attainment to another party, such as an employer, if the learner has given written approval.  You must be able to demonstrate if required that the learner approved the issue of a copy of their award to another party (such as an employer)

Cancellations & Refunds for VOC’s – 24 hrs notice of cancellation is required or full fee will be charged – NO refund!

Payment methods – Direct debit (bank transfer) or BPay directly from our invoice or by credit/debit card over the phone or through our Booking Payment form on our website. Phone and Online bookings incur a 2.2% credit/debit card fee.

Are my fees protected in case I need a refund?

Yes – HPA Training has a responsibility to protect the fees paid by students. To meet this need, HPA Training will only accept an initial payment of no more than $1,500 from each student prior to the commencement of their course. The subsequent payments are based on the costs of your training and assessment which is yet to be delivered. If the cost of the course is less than $1500.00, the full amount will be requested before the program commences.

Do I pay GST in my tuition fees?

No – Training tuition fees are GST exempt under section 38-85 GSTR 2003/1 Goods and Services Tax, tax ruling. The ruling explains the supply of a course for ‘professional or trade course’ is a GST-free education course. GST does apply on the payment of some miscellaneous charges.

Changes to terms and conditions

HPA Training reserves the right to amend the conditions of the student’s enrolment at any time. If amendments are made that effect the student’s enrolment the student will be informed 7 days prior to changes taking effect.

Please refer to the Student Handbook for further information on all student rights and obligations.

Schedule of Fees & Charges – Training Programs

Example 1 Course Costs
TOTAL $2,850

1st payment (enrolment confirmation) $1,000

2nd payment (within 5 days after the course commencement) $1,500

3rd payment (before completion) $350

Example 2 Course Costs
TOTAL $1,800

1st payment (enrolment confirmation) $1,000

2nd payment (before completion)  $800


  • All training tuition fees are exempt from the payment of GST. No GST included.
  • RPL fees for each individual unit will be additional please contact for information.
  • The fee structure described above is designed to limit the amount paid by students upfront.
Misc Charges (incl. GST)

Re-issuing a certificate, qualification or statement of attainment
$33 + 2.2% debit/credit card fee + postage

Re-issuing of a certificate, qualification or statement of attainment including plastic card
$55 + 2.2% debit/credit card fee + postage

Re-issuing plastic card only
$33 + 2.2% debit/credit card fee + postage

Replacement of issued learning/reference workbook (per workbook) TBA

Re-assessment fee – SafeWork assessor (High Risk Licences) $250


Students will be offered three (3) assessment opportunities during a normal training program for each assessment event. The re-assessment fee will only apply if the student chooses to persist in order to demonstrate competence and complete the qualification. The re-assessment service includes individual re-training to prepare the student for the re-assessment.